Feb 18, 2025  3:23 PM

Please Register or Sign In.

Getting Started

  • If you are not a registered user, click either the "Register" or "I’d like to register" links.
  • On the registration page, fill out the required information, then click "Continue".
  • After the initial registration, you are able to search the database by clicking the "Sign In" link and logging in with your email address and password.

Searching the Database

  • Once you have logged in, you may search transactions by clicking on either the "Search Transactions" or "Continue to Reports" links.
  • At the "Transaction Search" screen, you are able to search the database by various search criteria. Numeric search criteria, including SIC code, acquisition date, deal price, revenues and EBITDA are all expressed in a range. Textual search criteria, including target company name, acquiring company name, and target company business description, are based on a word search and will return records that match the text typed into the search screen.
  • After you input your search criteria, click "Search Transactions".
  • A new screen will appear with a list of transactions that meet your search criteria.
  • You can see more detailed information on up to 10 transactions at a time by checking the boxes next to the target company’s name and clicking on the "Generate Report" button.
  • If the "Transaction Search Results" screen returns more than 10 transactions, you may either click "Change Criteria" to refine the search to a more manageable number of transactions or you may click "Generate Report" multiple times, selecting different transactions each time in order to get detailed information on all transactions matching your search criteria.
  • If the "Transaction Search Results" screen returns too few transactions, you may click "Change Criteria" to broaden the search criteria.

Generating Reports

  • Once you have selected the transactions for which you wish to run a report, click either "View Single Transaction Report(s)" or "View Multiple Transaction Report".
  • The Single Transaction Report displays a detailed summary for each individual transaction, including business description, purchase price terms, transaction multiples, historical financial results (up to 3 years when available), growth statistics, and financial ratios
  • The Multiple Transaction Report displays up to 10 transactions side-by-side for a detailed comparison based on purchase price terms, transaction multiples, financial ratios, growth statistics, and financial results.
  • Click "Generate Reports" to view the search results on the screen. If multiple transactions are flagged and the "View Single Transaction Report(s)" button is selected, the transactions will appear one after the other when you scroll down.

Printing Reports

  • Click the "Printer Friendly" link on the upper right corner of the webpage
  • Click the "Download (Flash Paper)" link at the top right corner of the printer friendly page
  • Click "OK" when a message comes up on the screen about printing the document
  • A new window will appear with the printable version of the transaction reports
  • To print the report, click the printer icon in the upper right corner of the new window (do not use File --> Print)

Exporting to Excel

  • After clicking "Generate Reports" to generate either the "Single Transaction Report(s)" or "Multiple Transaction Report" the report may be exported to excel by clicking "Excel Format" link on the upper right corner of the webpage.
  • Then click the "Download XLS" link on the upper right corner of the webpage.
  • Numbers will appear as values, not formulas.
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